Four Use Cases for a CCMS

March 2, 2015

At Vasont Systems, we’re often asked, “Which vertical market uses your component content management system (CCMS)?” The answer is not a single market, but many different industries! The fact is, it doesn’t matter what the market is. What matters is what the content challenges are within a market.

Companies from various types of industries use a CCMS to get their content creation, editorial, translation, and publishing processes under control for their products and services.  In this article, we take a look at some of the ways companies are successfully using a CCMS to get control of their content. Sound familiar? If you’re managing one of these types of content, you may want to consider incorporating a CCMS into your content strategy.


Product labeling

Some companies spend large amounts of time managing the numerous documents associated with product labeling, especially if they are in the medical device field. A CCMS offers solutions that can help companies meet the various labeling challenges. Specifically, the CCMS can provide electronic signatures, consistent labeling, and audit trails for content changes and processes that will help your company remain in compliance with ever-changing laws and rules dealing with labeling content.

User guides, parts manuals, service bulletins, and other technical documents

If you have products with multiple similar models and are required to write user guides or instructions for each model, your company may be publishing one manual to accommodate multiple models to save on writing time. But customers don’t have the time to sift through a manual to pick out the content that’s relevant to the model they have. A CCMS comes in handy to deliver personalized content for each model dynamically.

Training material and knowledgebases

Often, training material or knowledgebases are a branch of the content that is published in engineering specs or user guides. A CCMS can manage the reuse of this information and keep training content synchronized with the product manuals. Additionally, this training content can be delivered automatically to e-learning tools directly from the CCMS along with the testing content required for certification, if needed.

Reference materials

When industry research results in regular advancements in a given field, reference content must be revised and delivered with the new information as soon as possible. Rather than re-writing the entire publication, a CCMS user can simply insert the new information and reuse the content that remains the same. Examples include standards manuals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and scientific publications.